US Officials Deny Involvement in Israeli Airstrike on Iran’s Consular Annex in Damascus

On Tuesday, US officials unequivocally denied any involvement in an Israeli airstrike that targeted Iran’s consular annex building in Damascus, the capital of Syria. The strike, which occurred without prior notification to US authorities, resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen individuals, including prominent members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. While Tehran swiftly condemned the attack and vowed retaliation, Israel refrained from commenting on the incident.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby categorically stated during a briefing that the United States had no role in the strike on Damascus and firmly dismissed assertions made by Iran’s foreign minister implicating the US as complicit in the assault. Kirby characterized such claims as baseless and unsubstantiated.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh echoed Kirby’s sentiments, affirming that US forces were not involved in the strike and that Washington had communicated this position to Tehran through confidential channels. According to Singh, the US was neither informed by Israel about the strike nor apprised of its intended target in Damascus. She reiterated that US authorities had explicitly conveyed to Iran, through discreet diplomatic channels, that they bore no responsibility for the attack.

Reports from Iranian state media indicated that 13 individuals lost their lives in the strike, comprising seven members of Tehran’s Revolutionary Guards and six Syrian nationals. Among the deceased were two high-ranking commanders of the Guards, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.

While acknowledging the casualties, Singh mentioned that Washington was unable to independently verify the identities of the senior Revolutionary Guards leaders reportedly killed in the attack. Despite this, the US maintained its stance that it had no involvement in the strike and reiterated its commitment to communication channels with Iran to address any misconceptions or tensions arising from the incident.

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