Shocking: Angela Chao’s Tragic Demise Exposes Tesla’s Deadly Reverse Gear Glitch

Tesla owners had expressed concerns for years regarding design flaws and apparent malfunctions that led to accidental reversals, culminating tragically in the recent death of shipping magnate Angela Chao. Last month, while departing a party at a ranch near Austin, Chao attempted a three-point turn in her Tesla Model X SUV. However, instead of shifting into drive, she inadvertently engaged in reverse, causing the vehicle to roll into a pond with fatal consequences. This incident wasn’t isolated, as Chao had experienced similar mishaps before.

Chao’s experience reflects a broader issue with Tesla’s gearshift, as revealed by Business Insider’s findings of 12 complaints related to reverse function in a US Department of Transportation database. Among these, seven complaints cited confusion with Tesla’s gearshift design, leading to inadvertent shifts between drive and reverse. The remaining five complaints highlighted instances where cars appeared to switch gears unexpectedly.

These concerns have also surfaced on Tesla forums, where owners shared similar experiences of mistakenly shifting into reverse. Despite these issues, reverse-shifting problems pale in comparison to other reported Tesla malfunctions, such as the notorious “phantom braking” phenomenon, which has resulted in numerous complaints and even fatalities.

Tesla’s gearshift mechanisms vary depending on the model and year, with both designs eliciting complaints. Prior to late 2021, Tesla drivers shifted into reverse by depressing the brake pedal and flicking a gear stalk to the right, a process that some found confusing, especially since it could inadvertently disengage autopilot mode in certain models. More recent models feature a touchscreen gearshift, which has also been criticized for its unintuitive nature and potential safety hazards.

For instance, one Tesla owner recounted a near collision after mistakenly engaging reverse while waiting at a stoplight, highlighting the need for preventive measures such as software updates or clearer indicators to prevent such incidents. Similarly, another owner reported a minor accident due to difficulty shifting out of reverse using the touchscreen gearshift.

In light of these concerns, Tesla’s response remains unclear, as both the company and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have yet to comment on the matter. Nonetheless, the incidents underscore the importance of addressing design flaws and improving safety features in Tesla vehicles to prevent future accidents.

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