Putin’s Surprising Defense Minister Replacement: Shoigu Elevated, Belousov’s Unexpected Nomination

In a surprising move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed Andrei Belousov, a civilian and former deputy prime minister specializing in economics, as the new defense minister. This unexpected nomination comes over two years into the Ukraine war, signaling a significant shift in Russia’s military leadership.

As part of the reshuffle, Putin intends to appoint Sergei Shoigu, the long-serving defense minister and a trusted ally, as the secretary of Russia’s powerful Security Council. Shoigu will also assume responsibilities for overseeing the military-industrial complex. These changes, expected to be approved by parliament, mark the most significant alterations to Russia’s military command since the onset of the Ukraine conflict.

The shake-up ensures continuity by technically elevating Shoigu to a role senior to his previous position, thus saving face for the outgoing defense minister. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of Russia’s General Staff, will retain his post, maintaining continuity in the military’s operational leadership.

Furthermore, Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s veteran foreign minister, will continue in his role, indicating stability in the country’s diplomatic sphere.

The appointment of Belousov, primarily known for his economic expertise rather than military background, comes as a surprise. Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesperson, justified this decision by likening Russia’s current situation to that of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, emphasizing the need for civilian oversight of defense spending.

According to Peskov, Putin’s choice reflects a strategic shift towards aligning defense expenditures with broader national interests. By bringing in a civilian with economic acumen, Putin aims to ensure effective allocation of funds in the defense sector.

Moreover, the reshuffle may also serve as an attempt to address concerns over corruption within the defense establishment. Recent allegations against a Shoigu ally and deputy defense minister for bribery likely prompted Putin to increase scrutiny over defense spending.

Overall, Putin’s proposed changes signal a concerted effort to modernize and streamline Russia’s defense apparatus while maintaining continuity in key leadership positions.

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