Pro-Palestine Protesters Confront NYPD Chief Amid Campus Demonstrations in New York

Fresh pro-Palestine protests sweep through New York City and 21 universities, triggering a police crackdown. A recent video captures a tumultuous scene at New York University, where demonstrators confront and verbally assault NYPD Assistant Chief James McCarthy and his team. The confrontation unfolded on Monday night following the arrest of a protester at an anti-Israel rally.

In the footage, protesters hurl expletives like “F–k you! F–k you, pigs,” at the officers, surrounding them and demanding the release of the detained woman. McCarthy struggles to open glass doors while protesters encircle him, effectively blocking the police’s path.

Some officers push away protesters’ hands as McCarthy guides his team around the building to find another entrance. Throughout the ordeal, demonstrators chant “Free! Free Palestine!” and brand the officers as “F–king fascists.”

The arrested protester shouts at the officers, “All I did was throw a f–king bag!” as they attempt to enter the NYU Catholic Center. Eventually, the officers locate another entrance and quickly move inside, preventing a protester from following them.

Outside, protesters continue to hurl insults and accuse the police of unlawful behavior, banging on doors and shouting “Shame,” claiming the officers are “kidnapping” their comrade.

The incident occurred as the NYPD was summoned to dismantle a campus encampment set up by over 100 protesters at NYU. The students had erected a “tent city” in solidarity with a similar encampment at Columbia University, urging their school to divest from Israel-related holdings due to the Gaza conflict.

Amid the clash with police, some protesters allegedly threw bottles at NYPD officers, with one demonstrator reportedly striking an officer in the head with a chair. The NYPD has yet to respond to requests for comment on the incident.

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