‘Keep your mouth shut’: Andrew Cuomo Faces Social Media Backlash as Addresses Migrant Crisis at Bronx Church

Andrew Cuomo, the former governor of New York caught up in controversy and amid speculation about a political resurgence, made a notable appearance on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at the Grove Missionary Baptist Church in the Bronx. There, he addressed what he described as a “governmental misstep” concerning the migrant crisis. Cuomo, who stepped down from his position two and a half years prior following a sexual harassment scandal, criticized both current Democratic NY Governor Kathy Hochul and President Joe Biden. He accused Albany politicians of unfairly placing the entire burden of the migrant influx on New York City.

Cuomo Critiques Migrant Handling in NYC, Hinting at Political Resurgence

At 66 years old, Andrew Cuomo aired his concerns regarding New York City bearing the brunt of the migrant situation, expressing disappointment that migrants were being directed solely to the city and not other regions of the state.

“New York state’s directive is to channel migrants exclusively to New York City, bypassing the Hudson Valley, upstate New York, and Long Island,” Cuomo stated. “Now, with over 100,000 migrants in the city, New York City shoulders the responsibility for housing, education, and medical care. It’s nonsensical,” he added.

Using a metaphor, Cuomo likened the situation to a restaurant bill, where everyone hesitates to foot the bill. “Mayor Adams argues, ‘The federal government should foot the bill; they initiated this,’ while the federal government claims, ‘I’m without my wallet,'” Cuomo remarked.

Cuomo highlighted several contributing factors, including the city’s high taxes, impending congestion tolls, and persistent challenges with crime and homelessness. He cautioned that these unsustainable conditions might prompt further population exodus from the state and city, emphasizing the necessity for migrants to have easier access to work permits.

Despite his critique, Cuomo invoked Scripture to advocate for compassion toward migrants, asserting their entitlement to dignity and respect. He criticized the housing conditions at Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennet Field, describing it as a “wind tunnel,” and urged for improved treatment of migrants.

“Forget the circumstances of their arrival. They’re here now, under our roof. They’re human beings deserving of dignity and respect,” he emphasized.

Cuomo’s speech, strategically delivered amid Albany’s budget negotiations, mirrored sentiments from recent appearances at Black city churches, where he is gauging support for a potential political comeback.

Congregants overwhelmingly expressed backing for Cuomo, with many voicing their desire for him to return to office.

Lucious Peterson, 64, conveyed to the New York Post, “Despite his highs and lows, I’m fond of him… His return would make a significant difference.”

“I stand behind everything he said, I admire him,” Stephanie Tribble shared with the outlet. “In life, as you progress, there are allies and adversaries,” she added.

Social Media Backlash Hits Cuomo Over Migrant Crisis Remarks

After Andrew Cuomo’s remarks regarding the migrant crisis, a wave of criticism flooded social media platforms, accusing him of hypocrisy and laying blame for New York’s sanctuary status.

One social media user, expressing frustration, wrote, “NYC is a sanctuary city, it has created this problem. Keep your mouth shut and enjoy your retirement, you elderly killer.”

Another commenter directed their ire at Cuomo, stating, “YOU made NY a sanctuary state and invited this crisis. Just as you created most of the crises NYers face today as you pretend to be our Savior. Go away.”

A third user criticized Cuomo’s past actions, highlighting his executive order declaring New York a sanctuary state. They wrote, “You signed an executive order declaring New York a sanctuary state. ‘Sanctuary’ in the truest sense — no ability to interact with the feds. Now you’re trying to be reasonable? Go pander somewhere else. Our current mayor is bad enough — we don’t need you.”

Further discontent was expressed by another individual who stated, “Every sanctuary city deserves this. Their whining should not be taken seriously until they revoke their sanctuary status and cooperate with ICE.”

The comments underscored a sense of disillusionment and anger towards Cuomo, with many holding him accountable for what they perceived as contributing to the migrant crisis through his past policies regarding sanctuary status.

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