On February 25, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s longest cable-stayed bridge, the Sudarshan Setu, in Gujarat. This magnificent bridge has been constructed at the cost of Rs 980 crore, this bridge offers seamless connectivity to pilgrims heading to Beyt Dwarka, home to the revered Dwarkadhish temple of Lord Krishna.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi shares a glimpse of the inauguration on his X platform.
Discover the significance and beauty of Sudarshan Setu through captivating images and key facts.
1. Sudarshan Setu length
The Sudarshan Setu, previously called the ‘Signature Bridge,’ stretches over 2.32 kilometers, making it India’s longest cable-stayed bridge, according to the PMO. This bridge plays a crucial role in linking the Okha mainland with Beyt Dwarka island.
2. Sudarshan Setu design
Image Source: Siasat.com
The Sudarshan Setu bridge stands out with its unique design, adorned with footpaths adorned with verses from the Bhagavad Gita and depictions of Lord Krishna on either side. Before its inauguration, PM Modi hailed it as a “remarkable project.”
3. Sudarshan Setu benefits
Before the Sudarshan Setu was built, pilgrims had to depend on boat transport to reach Beyt Dwarka. Now, with its four lanes and spacious 2.50-meter-wide footpaths on both sides, the bridge provides a strong and reliable infrastructure for travelers.
4. Sudarshan Setu’s unique features
Adding to its uniqueness, the Sudarshan Setu features solar panels installed on its footpaths. These panels are expected to generate one megawatt of electricity, as stated by the Prime Minister’s Office.
5.Connecting Heritage and Future
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the construction of Sudarshan Setu in October 2017, emphasizing its significance in linking old and new Dwarka. Today, besides easing travel, the bridge serves as a tourist hotspot, proudly displaying Gujarat’s cultural richness and architectural prowess.
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