BIGHIT MUSIC Takes Firm Legal Action to Safeguard BTS Members’ Rights Amid Defamation Campaigns

BIGHIT MUSIC, the esteemed management company behind the global sensation BTS, has recently unveiled a series of robust legal measures aimed at safeguarding the rights and integrity of its cherished members.

In a comprehensive statement issued on April 28th, BIGHIT MUSIC disclosed the implementation of proactive strategies to combat a surge in organized efforts designed to defame and malign the BTS members. These initiatives represent a heightened response to circulating rumors that have erroneously linked BTS and HYBE Labels to unfounded associations with a cult group.

The company has alarmingly observed a marked increase in malicious activities targeting BTS, including but not limited to defamation, humiliation, and the dissemination of false rumors. Recognizing these actions as severe infringements upon the fundamental rights of the artists, BIGHIT MUSIC has taken decisive action by enlisting the assistance of an additional legal firm. This strategic move aims to fortify the company’s legal arsenal and enhance its capacity to effectively counteract such malicious campaigns.

Demonstrating unwavering vigilance, BIGHIT MUSIC has undertaken real-time monitoring efforts to diligently gather evidence of these nefarious online activities. Emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach, the company is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the dignity and reputation of BTS.

In reaffirmation of its unwavering dedication, BIGHIT MUSIC asserts its unequivocal stance on addressing these issues with the utmost gravity. Furthermore, the company emphatically states its refusal to entertain any form of leniency or settlements in the pursuit of justice for BTS.

The comprehensive statement underscores BIGHIT MUSIC’s resolute determination to protect the rights, honor, and well-being of its esteemed artists, thereby reinforcing its position as a stalwart guardian of BTS’s interests in the global entertainment landscape.

Here is the entire statement:

“Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC.

We wish to update you on the legal proceedings being taken to protect BTS members’ rights.

It has come to our attention that organizational efforts aimed at tarnishing and slandering the artists have escalated in recent weeks. Furthermore, malicious attempts to defame, humiliate and ridicule the artists or spread rumors and groundless information have become excessive.

The company views these actions as severe violation to the artists’ rights and will respond decisively, engaging with another law firm to reinforce our existing legal measures.

We are collecting evidence of malicious postings through real-time monitoring as we speak. We will maintain a zero-tolerance policy and pursue this matter rigorously, without leniency or settlements.

Thank you.”

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