Angelina Jolie Alleged to Have Encouraged Kids to Shun Brad Pitt During Custody Visits

In the ongoing legal clash between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, fresh allegations have surfaced, shedding light on the potential influence exerted by Jolie over her children’s relationship with their father during custody visits. These claims emerged from court documents filed by Tony Webb, a former security guard who had served the erstwhile couple.

Webb, who had been in Jolie’s employ from 2000 to 2020, disclosed that he was approached by Michael Vieira, an aide to Jolie, regarding two bodyguards potentially testifying in Jolie’s custody dispute with Pitt. Vieira allegedly sought Webb’s intervention to dissuade the bodyguards from testifying, citing the non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) they had signed with Jolie.

Despite the NDAs, one bodyguard, Ross Foster, reportedly expressed his intent to testify. Foster purportedly planned to speak about statements he allegedly overheard from Jolie, wherein she purportedly encouraged the children to limit their time with Pitt during custody visits.

In response to these claims, Paul Murphy, an attorney representing Angelina Jolie, rebuffed Pitt’s assertions equating routine NDAs with efforts to conceal his actions. Murphy underscored that the crux of the matter was about power dynamics and control, with Jolie’s primary concern being the well-being and separation of the family.

To counter Jolie’s objections to signing NDAs in the context of their legal dispute over their French winery, Chateau Miraval, Pitt’s legal team submitted Webb’s declaration. They aimed to demonstrate that Jolie herself had utilized NDAs previously, thereby undermining her resistance to signing them in their current legal battle.

The legal skirmish between Jolie and Pitt has been rife with accusations and counter-accusations, with both sides striving to sway the court in their favor. Pitt’s lawyers accused Jolie of diverting attention from the business dispute by intertwining it with family court matters. Conversely, Jolie’s legal team insinuated that Pitt harbored concerns about sealed documents related to their custody battle being made public.

These recent allegations, implicating Jolie in potentially influencing the children’s interactions with Pitt during visits, add another layer of complexity to the already contentious legal proceedings between the former Hollywood power couple.

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