Internet Personality Andrew Tate Faces Trial in Romania on Human Trafficking Charges

Andrew Tate, along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian female suspects, faced indictment in June on charges of human trafficking, rape, and involvement in a criminal gang. Despite their denials, the Bucharest Court ruled on Friday that the trial against internet personality Andrew Tate for human trafficking could proceed, nearly 10 months after the initial indictment.

The legal process in Romania required scrutiny by the Bucharest court’s preliminary chamber to assess the legality of evidence and case files. With this step completed, the case was deemed eligible for trial. However, Tate’s representatives expressed intentions to challenge the ruling.

Although no trial date has been set, the Tate brothers, former kickboxers holding dual U.S. and British citizenship, face extradition to Britain on separate sexual aggression allegations dating back to 2012-15, pending the conclusion of the Romanian proceedings.

As prominent figures in the case, their trial will be significant for Romania’s anti-organized crime prosecuting unit, DIICOT. Charges of human trafficking and rape carry severe penalties, with potential imprisonment for up to 10 years.

During the criminal investigation, the Tate brothers were detained in police custody from late December 2022 to April 2023 to prevent flight or evidence tampering. Subsequently, they were placed under house arrest until August, followed by judicial control, allowing them freedom of movement within Romania.

Prosecutors allege that the Tate brothers lured victims under false pretenses, promising relationships or marriage, before subjecting them to sexual exploitation through physical and psychological coercion. The victims were reportedly taken to properties outside Bucharest, where they were forced to produce pornographic content for significant financial gain on social media platforms.

Andrew Tate’s controversial persona, characterized by self-professed misogyny and promotion of an ultra-masculine lifestyle, has attracted a substantial following despite criticism for its derogatory portrayal of women.

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